Can i haz? Part 1: intro to the Has pattern

October 10, 2019 //

A few weeks ago I’ve been trying to remove the boilerplate of writing instances of a certain type class, and I learned a couple of cool tricks that are probably worth sharing. The class in question is a generalization of the type classes comprising what is known as the Has-pattern. So, before describing those tricks in detail, let’s briefly discuss what’s the Has-pattern.

Note: this is an introductory post. The Has pattern is definitely not something I’ve created or even coined a term for, and seasoned haskellers are surely familiar with this approach. Yet I feel obliged to give a brief overview before delving into the more interesting stuff.

Global configuration

How do Haskell folks solve the problem of managing some environment Env (think some global application configuration) that’s needed by a bunch of different functions?

One obvious way is to just pass the Env to the functions that need it. Unfortunately, this does not compose as nicely as some other primitives we’re used to in Haskell. Indeed, this way every function that needs even a tiny-tiny piece of the environemnt gets the whole of it. Thus, we lose the ability to reason about what parts of the environment does a given function need merely from looking at its type. That’s surely not the Haskell way!

Let’s explore some other approaches, shall we?

Firstly, a more generic approach is to wrap the functions needing to access the environment Env in the Reader Env monad:

import Control.Monad.Reader

data Env = Env
  { someConfigVariable :: Int
  , otherConfigVariable :: [String]

iNeedEnv :: Reader Env Foo
iNeedEnv = do
  -- to get the whole Env:
  env <- ask
  -- or alternatively, if we need just a portion of it:
  theInt <- asks someConfigVariable

Generalizing this a bit and changing just the type, we arrive at MonadReader:

iNeedEnv :: MonadReader Env m => m Foo
iNeedEnv = -- everything's the same as before

This is better since now we don’t really care about the whole monad stack we’re in. We only (explicitly) care that we can get access to some surrounding Environment. We don’t really care (nor should we) if the caller of iNeedEnv uses any other capabilities: it’s perfectly good to use iNeedEnv in a monad stack having IO, error reporting via MonadError/ExceptT and what not in addition to MonadReader:

someCaller :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader Env m, MonadError Err m) => m Bar
someCaller = do
  theFoo <- iNeedEnv

And, while we’re at it, I must say I lied to some extent — functions taking the environment argument compose just as nicely as monads do, but precisely because they are monads! More precisely, a “partially applied” function type (r ->) is in fact a lawful MonadReader. Building the corresponding intuition is left as an exercise to the reader.

Anyway, that’s a good step towards modularity. Let’s see where it takes us.

Why Has

Let’s say we’re working on a web service. It might have quite a few different components, including, for example:

Each of those might have its own configuration, like the database credentials, web server host and port it shall listen on, and the timer periodicity, respectively. We can think of the global application config as the union of all those (and likely something else).

Let’s, for the sake of simplicity, assume that each of the modules’ APIs consists of just one function:

Each of those functions needs access to the corresponding part of the global application configuration. We’ve learned it’s a good idea to use MonadReader, but what should be the environment type?

One approach might be to define

data AppConfig = AppConfig
  { dbCredentials :: DbCredentials
  , serverAddress :: (Host, Port)
  , cronPeriodicity :: Ratio Int

and then have each of those functions to accept AppConfig:

setupDatabase :: MonadReader AppConfig m => m Db
startServer :: MonadReader AppConfig m => m Server
runCronJobs :: MonadReader AppConfig m => m ()

Obviously, these functions will also likely require MonadIO and perhaps something else, but that’s not as important.

Note we’ve done something really terrible. Why? Just a few reasons off the top of my head:

  1. We introduced unnecessary coupling. The database layer should ideally know nothing about the web server or even just the mere presence thereof. And, of course, we shouldn’t recompile the DB module shall the set of server parameters change.
  2. This just does not work if we don’t have the control over some of the modules. What if the cron module is provided by some third-party library that knows nothing about our specific application and our specific AppConfig?
  3. We introduced confusion. For example, what exactly is serverAddress? Is it the host/port that the web server should bind to, or is it the database server address? Throwing all of config options into one big ball of mud increases the chances of such collisions.
  4. We’ve lost some ability to reason about which parts of the environment are required by which module. Everything has access to everything!

What’s the solution? As you might have guessed, it’s

The Has pattern

Each module doesn’t really care what is the type of the environment as long as it has the configuration info the module requires. This is perhaps best shown by example.

Consider the DB module and assume that it now defines a type representing all the configuration the module needs:

data DbConfig = DbConfig
  { dbCredentials :: DbCredentials
  , ...

Now the Has pattern appears in the form of the following class:

class HasDbConfig rec where
  getDbConfig :: rec -> DbConfig

Now the type of the setupDatabase function would be

setupDatabase :: (MonadReader r m, HasDbConfig r) => m Db

and we now need to do asks $ foo . getDbConfig where we previously did asks foo due to the extra level of abstraction we just introduced.

Similarly, we’ll have HasWebServerConfig and HasCronConfig.

What if some function uses two different modules? Just combine the constraints!

doSmthWithDbAndCron :: (MonadReader r m, HasDbConfig r, HasCronConfig r) => ...

Now what about the implementations of these classes? We can still have the top-level AppConfig, it just that the different modules don’t know about it (and about each other):

data AppConfig = AppConfig
  { dbConfig :: DbConfig
  , webServerConfig :: WebServerConfig
  , cronConfig :: CronConfig

instance HasDbConfig AppConfig where
  getDbConfig = dbConfig
instance HasWebServerConfig AppConfig where
  getWebServerConfig = webServerCOnfig
instance HasCronConfig AppConfig where
  getCronConfig = cronConfig

Looks good so far. But there is a tiny problem with this approach that we’ll consider in the next post.